Brad's professional triathlon career commenced in 1998. For many years he has been self coached, using the principals gained from partnering with some of the worlds best coaches and from over 15 years tinkering his own program for consistent results over many years. His coaching career begun back in 2008 after Beijing Olympics. Before this time it was more of a mentoring roll for up and coming juniors trying to make a life as a professional athlete.
In 2010 he took over the coaching role of Emma Moffatt and in that same year she went on to win some of the worlds biggest races and become the ITU women's Elite World Champion.
Recently Brad has worked with Juniors, age group and professional triathletes including his fiancé Radka Vodickova winning many 70.3 and Olympic distance races in Australia and overseas, as well as athletes looking to break 12hrs for an Ironman, to others like Ryan and Jared who both finished top 15 overall on debut in 2015 Ironman Port Macquarie and qualifying for Kona.
Brad is a fully qualified triathlon coach that is currently focusing all his efforts into coaching only a small number of athletes and helping them achieve their goals whether racing ITU, sprint distance and up to Ironman distance. He understands many age group athletes have limited time due to work and family commitments and plans all sessions around work schedules and all programs are maximising the time you have and cutting the 'junk' mileage out.
Some of Brad's career highlights are:
Commonwealth Games Gold Medallist
3x ITU World Championship Medallist
Multiple 70.3 Winner
3rd Ironman Asia Pacific Championships - 8:09
Dual Olympian
The spots are limited, so please enquire about more details.
email: brad@bkrcoaching.com

The face of BKR women's Tri Team. Radka started her triathlon career at the age of 16. Racing in her home country Czech Republic and all over Europe. She has raced on the ITU circuit for many years that culminated representing Czech Republic at the 2012 London Olympic Games.
Radka is known as one of the most consistent performers in the world now at the 70.3 and 5150 distance and has over 12 70.3 podiums just in the last two years since being coached by her Fiancé Brad. She is known to race many races each year all over the world and has a lot of success in all courses and in all climates.
Radka started mentoring young Czech triathletes from the age of 22 and has a masters degree in Physical education. She has been involved in a number of Multi Sport camps around the world. Radka speaks 4 languages fluently, English, German,Spanish and Czech.
Please note both Radka and Brad coach men and women.
email: radka@bkrcoaching.com

Kenta Ando (affectionately known as 'Kentucky') has been involved in triathlon since 1997 and has represented Japan as a professional, racing ITU for a number of years before shifting his focus to coaching. Kentucky is the head National triathlon Coach of Macau and has held this position since 2004 and has spent many years building up the National federation to have his athletes competing in the Asia Championships, Asia Games and ITU World Cup and eventually competing in the Olympic Games. He has spent time racing and training around the world including Australia. Kentucky can speak, English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Japanese.
Kentucky has coached many Asian athletes and has a full understanding of the Asia physique. With the combined coaching experience of Kentucky and Brad with a huge amount of experience to deliver results whether racing Ironman/70.3 Japan or many other races in Asia and with translation available for all programs that include training updates, pre and post race consultations.
email: info@bkrcoaching.com
海外ではケンタッキーの愛称で呼ばれてきたKenta Andoはコーチになる以前、1997年から日本のエリート選手で数々のITUレースで戦ってきた。ケンタッキーは 2004年からマカオのナショナルチームコーチとなりアジア選手権、アジア大会、ワールドシリーズなどに参戦させ最終的にはオリンピック出場させることを目指している。彼はこれまでオーストラリアを含む海外を転戦し続け今では英語、北京語、広東語、日本語を使いこなします。
完全にカスタマイズされるBKRトレーニングプログラムのオンラインコーチング費用は最小16週間の契約で週$42USD(約3500円)から始まります。なぜ16週間?これは、アスリートを構築するために、少なくともこの時間がかかり、トレーニングによって飛躍的な改善を見ることができ結果として反映される最小期間です。 BKR私達は忠誠にスイム、バイク、ランの改善を行うために努力します。
Kentucky現役澳門特區三項鐵人總教練,能操英語、普通話、廣東話及日語。從2004年開始至今精心培養本地團隊,出賽亞洲杯、ITU 世界杯、各項錦標賽,及至奧林匹克運動,同樣表現出色勇奪各大獎項。
由於豐富的比賽及教授經驗,Kentucky與Brad 的組合能夠提供寶貴實戰心得,以及根據亞洲人的特性量身打造最有效的訓練計劃。無論鐵人賽、70.3日本賽或其他各項賽事,亦能提供精闢賽事分析,訓練詳情及顧問服務。
訓練收費包括全套BKR訓練計劃, 最低由澳元42/週起,最少16週。為何16週?因為這是最少需要這個時間才能體驗最大的進步。BKR 的團隊以忠誠精神在未來的年月中令參加者在游泳、單車、跑步上達到可見最大進步。